Logotypbild för objektet SimpleUndoClose


440 betyg

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Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild


A simple popup to undo closed tabs, just that and a bit more.

A fork of the Sexy Undo Close Tab extension, with a simpler and minimal look. SimpleUndoClose does not restore tabs with their tab history. If restored tabs with tab history is a must, check out SimpleUndoRecents: Basic usage: - click the toolbar button, a popup showing closed tabs appear - click on the closed page you want to restore - keyboard navigation supported - to delete a single entry, click the delete button at the lower right corner of the focused blue Changes and new features from fork: - new option to set the page title instead of URL as the tooltip - some UI rework done to the popup and options page - code reworkings, mainly to facilitate the upgrade to manifest version 2 - keyboard navigation - no ads Updated changelog is in the extension option pages. Retains the features of the Sexy Undo Close Tab extension. Credits to J K of the Sexy Undo Close Tab extension. -------- Help translate SimpleUndoClose! -------- Reason For Permission Requests: Your tabs and browsing activity -> WHY: Required for use of the chrome.tabs API to detect tab status and to get the tab details -------- Note: Though the extension is v1.0 as there may still be bugs I've missed. Please do feedback when something is not working, better if there are steps to replicate the problem. Thanks :)

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  • Version
  • Uppdaterat
    14 november 2020
  • Storlek
  • Språk
    8 språk
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